Traveling Together

Choosing to Live and Not Just Survive


Her Story is Over Now…Sort of

Her Story is Over Now…Sort of

It's really strange to think about when someone dies.  But their life story is over.  Everything they did, every word they said, every action they took or didn't take is finished.  The book is closed. And there's the realization that the last words have been spoken. ...

She is in Heaven Now

She is in Heaven Now

My beautiful, kind, loving mother passed away March 28, 2024.  Ten years to the week I came home to take care of her.  She really did pass peacefully.  No feeding tubes.  No troubled breathing.  No hospitalization.  Just quietly at home in the middle of the night...

Still with Us

Still with Us

It's been a bumpy while.  Several times we've been certain it is the end.  So much so that family are angry with me for calling them in to say their last good-bye.  ?! Anyway, she is still with us.  I'm glad for that.  There are some things that only take time to get...

So Ends 2023

So Ends 2023

In a few hours this year will be over.  I thought for sure mom wouldn't make it this year but she has.  Barely. She is not well.  She is on hospice.  And several times even today I checked to make sure she was still going.  She is.  And she could rally and make it a...

Take the Picture

Take the Picture

It's been over 9 years a caregiver for me and in a few months it will be 10 years of mom struggling with these issues.  So where am I at? My computer crashed a couple of weeks ago and it could not be wiped.  I was able to get some things off before it crashed which...

This Shirt is Fantastic

This Shirt is Fantastic

I was walking into Walmart when I someone with this on the back of their shirt.  I asked her if I could snap a picture and she agreed.  It's a shirt from where they work. Great job whoever did this one!    

Bowel Incontintence

Bowel Incontintence

Bowel incontinence is no joke and it comes at late stages.  For us, since mom has broken her 3x (2x on one and 1x on the other), she cannot stand.  No longer can we get her into the bathroom in our older house to put her in the shower to clean her up.  It's in the...

Watermelon Help

Watermelon Help

It's hot these days.  At least where we are at.  And those with dementia rarely drink enough. Part of the reason is that swallowing is a HUGE issue in LBD.  In fact, so much so that it's often why a person dies.  They can no longer swallow to eat, or they choke and...

The Magic Ingredient

The Magic Ingredient

There is truly one thing that makes a significant difference for your loved one and that is water.  I always know when my loved one hasn't had enough water as the next day they will not be well.  Elderly people are not fond of drinking a lot of water, so it's your job...

Saving Ahead For the Days to Come

Saving Ahead For the Days to Come

I'm working now to try to make ends meet.  There are challenges for sure. But as mom is struggling, I'm working harder to save up to for when she passes away, as I know that I will need time off work to do all that I need to do.  I'm using YNAB for software but I've...

Help with the Lewy Lean

Help with the Lewy Lean

If your loved one has LBD, then they have a severe lean to one side.  Their head rests on their shoulder and their body tilts heavily in one direction.  Whether on the couch or in the car, they lean. One thing we've done to help support her neck is to take one of...

Drive at 5

Drive at 5

It's at 5 pm that mom asks to go home even though she is home.  It really struck me last night it's because there isn't a "drive."  There isn't a getting in the car and going home.  I realize now that at 5 pm she needs to go for a drive around the block so she...

When “Don’t” Doesn’t Work

When “Don’t” Doesn’t Work

Mom often has times where I need to stay "Stop!" or "Don't Sit!" for safety reasons.  She often tries to just sit in the middle of nothing which could be injurious.  We are always by her side so she doesn't, but the problem is that is she tries it takes a lot of...

Thicker for Better Hydration

Thicker for Better Hydration

I have made mom fruit smoothies in the past from frozen bananas and whatever fruit I had.  She can drink a lot of it.  But give her water and she sips.  The problem is that her dehydration is making her groggy, mentally out of it and not well.  Then it hit me. ...


Medical Disclaimer

The Material in this website is not in any way meant to be medical advice. ASK YOUR DOCTOR for any, all and every medical situation and need.



In order to be able to display images I have needed to become an Amazon Affiliate. What this means is that when you purchase through this site, I receive a small commission. 100% of anything I will give to my loved one. I want her to get back what was taken from her through illness.


Medical Disclaimer

The Material in this website is not in any way meant to be medical advice. ASK YOUR DOCTOR for any, all and every medical situation and need.



In order to be able to display images I have needed to become an Amazon Affiliate. What this means is that when you purchase through this site, I receive a small commission. 100% of anything I will give to my loved one. I want her to get back what was taken from her through illness.