There are times where my loved one’s lean is so hard I have trouble feeding her.  That and it is a choking hazard.  So I’m working on a support system.

I took an individual sized gatorade bottle and cut off the top part enough to slide it over her wheelchair.  Then I cut a slit about an inch down and threaded through a strip of cloth.  Speaking of which, gatorade bottles have enough plastic that it will take about 500 years for a single one to disintegrate.  They are crazy thick.

Anyway, next I put a ball cap on my mother, and tied the strip of cloth from the gatorade bottle to the hat.  The hat then holds her head up.

It does work and it works well.  The only problem is that the edge of the hat pushes against her head too hard and it is uncomfortable.  So I bought some weather stripping and hope to line the hat.  We’ll give it a try.


Stay inventive.

Find solutions.

If there’s not equipment for a problem, make it.


Life has hit hard and fast lately.  And haven’t been able to test this out as much, but it was working although it needed tweaks.

I cut off the top of a plastic bottle (Gatorade as theirs is tough plastic) and then put a whole in it like you see in the picture.  Then I put a ball cap on mom’s head.  I tied the ball cap to the hole in the bottle.  This kept her head upright while eating as the ball cap held her head up.  The modification I needed to make was to put a foam lining so the rim of the hat didn’t push her head so hard.

But then Covid struck.  Then bed sores.  Then two jobs changes.  And now hospice.  So apologize for the lack of updating.