I hope you are having a great thanksgiving and enjoying the blessings of the last year. There’s always good and bad things in every year.

Where will we be in a year from now? Where will you be Thanksgiving 2024? I likely will not be in the same place.

Last month we all got an unpleasant round of COVID. Mom ended up in the hospital and then got bed sores. We though the bed sores were going to do her in. Even the doctors thought that. But mom had other ideas. She came out of the hospital and her sores are healing.

BUT…they did take a lot of her strength.

Which lead to after firm persuasion from her medical staff she is now on hospice. She has lost ability to control bowel movements and she has a catheter in full time. I’m guessing a month or two but nobody knows. It’s why I haven’t posted much lately. I’ve been sick and so much has happened.

Even in this there is much to be grateful for. I’m glad for my years with my mom. I’m glad we have thus far honored her wish to never go into a nursing home. And I’m glad to still be in the Lord. It’s been a hard 10 years and not just caring for mom. That’s been hard but also a total privilege.

So blessings to you on this special day. I hope you enjoy many more good days to come even in the hard.