It’s hot these days.  At least where we are at.  And those with dementia rarely drink enough.

Part of the reason is that swallowing is a HUGE issue in LBD.  In fact, so much so that it’s often why a person dies.  They can no longer swallow to eat, or they choke and get pneumonia.

To get more water in your loved one, especially in the summer time try to give them a lot of watermelon.   Something with high water content that has some substance to it.

To cut mine quickly I cut it in half.  Then cut lines deep horizontally and vertically.  Then if you take a large metal spoon just scoop out the chunks in your desired size, shallow scoops for short and deep scoops for bigger pieces.

Whatever you do, just make sure you are giving your loved one enough fluids.  Sometimes just sipping water isn’t enough.  But things like watermelon can make a difference.