I’m working now to try to make ends meet.  There are challenges for sure.

But as mom is struggling, I’m working harder to save up to for when she passes away, as I know that I will need time off work to do all that I need to do.  I’m using YNAB for software but I’ve also heard Mvelopes is good.  Just use something.

For some it’s easy to cut back and save for a month or many months ahead.  For others, especially caregivers, it takes a long time as finances are already typically strained.

But I think it’s an important part of caregiving.  The part of facing reality of sickness and needed time off in the days where you need to be able to be with them in their final hours.  It’s a strangely difficult thing to face but it’s important as it takes some preparation.  You don’t want to be at work when you need to be saying your last good-bye.

That’s not even talking about the need to save for the impending global economic crisis we are in.  The world is on fire and it’s unsustainable.  It will crash.  When is everybody’s guess.  So it’s good to store up some practical goods to for your family as well.

Whatever you do, however you do it, there are things to prepare for as a caregiver.  Need supplements or medicines?  Buy ahead if you can.  Need briefs?  Get them in bulk.  Don’t have a plan for when the end comes?  Start to save now.  Think about these things as well.