Mom often has times where I need to stay “Stop!” or “Don’t Sit!” for safety reasons.  She often tries to just sit in the middle of nothing which could be injurious.  We are always by her side so she doesn’t, but the problem is that is she tries it takes a lot of strength to get her back upright.  I think I’ve ripped my rotator cuff.  Literally.

What I’ve realized is that she can’t understand anything that begins with “Don’t” because the dementia brain can’t conceptualize the opposite, “Stand.”  So every time I say “Don’t sit” it’s pointless.  She tries to sit.  I have to say the direct thing I need her to do, “Stand up!” It’s a habit we have to say “don’t do this” in life.  So it takes more intentionality.  But maybe that will help someone else.