A man and his dog - stroke care

Stroke Care and the Caregiver

I was reminded today at the pool how much caregiving for strokes could be a whole page unto itself.  With typically half the body incapacitated, it offers unique challenges just as every other diagnoses does.  The good news with strokes is that latest research with neuroplasticity is that new neuronal paths grow.  That means there can be improvement–sometimes greatly so and sometimes just a bit.  But it takes repetition, repetition, repetition.  But don’t get discouraged.  In the meantime here are some helpful tips, resources and tools specific to stroke patient care.

Her Story is Over Now…Sort of

Her Story is Over Now…Sort of

It's really strange to think about when someone dies.  But their life story is over.  Everything they did, every word they said, every action they took or didn't take is finished.  The book is closed. And there's the realization that the last words have been spoken. ...

She is in Heaven Now

She is in Heaven Now

My beautiful, kind, loving mother passed away March 28, 2024.  Ten years to the week I came home to take care of her.  She really did pass peacefully.  No feeding tubes.  No troubled breathing.  No hospitalization.  Just quietly at home in the middle of the night...

Still with Us

Still with Us

It's been a bumpy while.  Several times we've been certain it is the end.  So much so that family are angry with me for calling them in to say their last good-bye.  ?! Anyway, she is still with us.  I'm glad for that.  There are some things that only take time to get...

So Ends 2023

So Ends 2023

In a few hours this year will be over.  I thought for sure mom wouldn't make it this year but she has.  Barely. She is not well.  She is on hospice.  And several times even today I checked to make sure she was still going.  She is.  And she could rally and make it a...

Take the Picture

Take the Picture

It's been over 9 years a caregiver for me and in a few months it will be 10 years of mom struggling with these issues.  So where am I at? My computer crashed a couple of weeks ago and it could not be wiped.  I was able to get some things off before it crashed which...

This Shirt is Fantastic

This Shirt is Fantastic

I was walking into Walmart when I someone with this on the back of their shirt.  I asked her if I could snap a picture and she agreed.  It's a shirt from where they work. Great job whoever did this one!    


Medical Disclaimer

The Material in this website is not in any way meant to be medical advice. ASK YOUR DOCTOR for any, all and every medical situation and need.



In order to be able to display images I have needed to become an Amazon Affiliate. What this means is that when you purchase through this site, I receive a small commission. 100% of anything I will give to my loved one. I want her to get back what was taken from her through illness.