Traveling Together

Choosing to Live and Not Just Survive


The Other Hip Broke

The Other Hip Broke

A few years ago she shattered her one hip and 6 surgeries later, we were able to save the leg.  Truly a miracle.  It doesn't have strength to it but it is still there. Then this past weekend she fell and broke her other hip.  Surgery went well but as anyone with LBD,...

8 Years In… Again

8 Years In… Again

Whew!  That previous post I couldn't hardly type.  I thought it was me just being excessively tired, but then I realized it was the medicine I was on.  It was so bad I had to get off the medicine.  Part of the caregiver journey is figuring out our own health as well....

8 Years In

8 Years In

It's officially been 8 years since my loved one had Lewy explode on the scene.  Eight years.  Some I have talked to are at 10 years.  I know this journey for others can last for 15 years.  You never know how long the journey will be but it typically is 10 years +/- 3...

The Caregivers are There Too

The Caregivers are There Too

When I see horrific earthquakes in Haiti, I remember that there are caregivers there that are exhausted and trying hard to care for their loved ones in the midst of crisis. When I see everything changing in Afghanistan, I remember that there are caregivers there in...

Hypersensitivity to Pain

Hypersensitivity to Pain

I don't know if I have covered this before, but those with neurological issues have a hypersensitivity to pain, especially touch.  When you barely touch them and they cringe in pain, it's real.  Neurological issues irritate the nerve fibers.   So be gentle.  Of course...

Remembering that It’s Dementia

Remembering that It’s Dementia

Dementia is a beast and it brings out the best in our loved ones and the worst.  It's as if everything is magnified. That's a problem when it's the things that have been hurtful and hard in the past, and now that is bad.  It's easy to loose patience and forget that...

Social Situations and your LO?

Social Situations and your LO?

When was the last time you saw an elderly person being fed by someone in public?  For me, I don't think I've ever seen it.  And I think why is that they are either in a nursing home, or people don't take elderly dependents out in public that need help.  If they are...


Medical Disclaimer

The Material in this website is not in any way meant to be medical advice. ASK YOUR DOCTOR for any, all and every medical situation and need.



In order to be able to display images I have needed to become an Amazon Affiliate. What this means is that when you purchase through this site, I receive a small commission. 100% of anything I will give to my loved one. I want her to get back what was taken from her through illness.


Medical Disclaimer

The Material in this website is not in any way meant to be medical advice. ASK YOUR DOCTOR for any, all and every medical situation and need.



In order to be able to display images I have needed to become an Amazon Affiliate. What this means is that when you purchase through this site, I receive a small commission. 100% of anything I will give to my loved one. I want her to get back what was taken from her through illness.