Ph.d in Dementia

Ph.d in Dementia

I don't hold a Ph.d in dementia, but I do have nearly a decade of beyond full-time experience as one who has taken care of someone night and day with dementia. The other day I spotted someone who clearly seems to have dementia, but it is undiagnosed and others don't...

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Dreaming in Dementia – An Unpleasant Reality

Dreaming in Dementia – An Unpleasant Reality

It's well known that dementia is very hereditary, especially among women.  And lately I've been dreaming things that are similar to my mother's open-eye delusions.  It's not a comforting sign.  I don't want to write a story like Flowers for Algernon. It's something to...

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Social Situations and your LO?

Social Situations and your LO?

When was the last time you saw an elderly person being fed by someone in public?  For me, I don't think I've ever seen it.  And I think why is that they are either in a nursing home, or people don't take elderly dependents out in public that need help.  If they are...

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How You Think Matters

How You Think Matters

When you tell others you are a caregiver, or tell friends things you've done, how is it that you are telling them?  This week I run into another caregiver and every time I have, she speaks that she is deeply annoyed at having to be a caregiver.  And to her credit, she...

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While the World Burns

While the World Burns

The world is on fire for so many reasons right now.  Everyone blaming everyone and that's happening within countries, between countries and more.  We are a globe filled with people heading for a collision in the very near future.  I'm not here to point fingers, I'm...

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The Mirror Looks Bad

The Mirror Looks Bad

I look absolutely dreadful after 7 1/2 years of caregiving and it's still going.  The before and after are astounding in a bad way--black circles, heavy weight gain, deep creases in forehead, from normal hair to gray.  People just don't understand what it takes.  ...

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What Do I Do When Not With You?

What Do I Do When Not With You?

As I'm looking for a job, we set up respite care to come in for a bit.  This week was Day 1 and I spent a bit of time training the new person, and then left.  It was so strange.  I had several hours to myself and I Every minute of my life for the...

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Respite Care – The Bittersweet Truth

Respite Care – The Bittersweet Truth

Times are changing.  We are frazzled.  We tried respite care before and it didn't work well.  It stressed mom out.   We're trying again.  And I'm having to look for a job outside of caring for mom now. And I want to cry. I want to be the one to be there.  I don't want...

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Dementia and the Generations

Dementia and the Generations

One-armed caregiving has been a little bit of challenge.  Mainly because the slightest wrong movement takes my breath away and brings tears to my eyes.  A rotator cuff tear is painful.  Just about an hour ago I slipped on the snow and grabbed the stair railing.  It...

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Confirmed–Rotator Cuff Tear

Confirmed–Rotator Cuff Tear

It's now confirmed.  I've torn my rotator cuff.  Will need supernatural help from the Lord to continue to care for mom, transfer her and be the caregiver I need to be.  Without damaging my shoulder further.  God is able.

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MRI Scan

MRI Scan

Seems like the years of transferring someone with Lewy Body Dementia has caught up with my arm.   Too many transfers or too many saves.  I don't know.  I'm in pain. Went to the doctor and looking to get an MRI scheduled this week.  How is this supposed to work?  How...

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2020 Comes to An End

2020 Comes to An End

For some this year was extremely disruptive.  For me, it wasn't.  It was the crises of caregiving as usual.  Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise.  Being a caregiver means being a recluse pretty much.  There's not time for friends, especially making new ones when...

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Your Tone Matters More than Your Words

Your Tone Matters More than Your Words

It's a hard day when you are sick and your loved one is exhibiting psychotic and neurotic behavior and needing extra help.  You don't want to move but you must.  At least we have to.  Our loved one is 100% dependent. Harder yet is to not lose patience when it takes 10...

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Whining and Whining and then Meowing

Whining and Whining and then Meowing

Oh my.  We have hit a new stage of hours of whining.  I checked everything like food, thirst, bathroom needs, pain, etc...  All was well.  Just the bad habits of life magnified.  Just as the good ones are as well (my mother is the most considerate person I know). So I...

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Reflecting on 7 Years of LBD

Reflecting on 7 Years of LBD

It's now 7 years since my mom's mental health exploded with LBD.  I only started blogging in 2016 but it started before then.  It's just that in 2016 things got really bad with broken hips, femur, infections, drama and more.  Oh my that was a bad year.  It's the kind...

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Neurotic Behavior, Frustration and Fear

Neurotic Behavior, Frustration and Fear

When my mom's neurotic behavior hits, it's hard to deal with.  If we're in the car she's opening everything, trying to open the door, ripping out the a/c vents, fiddling with everything...  It's a challenge. And today when I'm trying to feed her as that's the stage...

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The Terror of Overheating

The Terror of Overheating

Several times my mom has gone bonkers wanting to call 911, screaming, hitting the steering wheel when I'm driving, etc... I finally realized it was because she was getting too hot.  It seems like being too cold is uncomfortable, but being too hot is worth panicking...

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Medical Disclaimer

The Material in this website is not in any way meant to be medical advice. ASK YOUR DOCTOR for any, all and every medical situation and need.



In order to be able to display images I have needed to become an Amazon Affiliate. What this means is that when you purchase through this site, I receive a small commission. 100% of anything I will give to my loved one. I want her to get back what was taken from her through illness.