Wow!!  The Eclipse

Wow!! The Eclipse

Mom and I went to see the solar eclipse today.  Wow!  It was challenging as initially she didn't want to go.  Glad she did.  And so is she.  What a special event!  #memories #livingnotdying

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The Re-Awakening

The Re-Awakening

Last year was so awful that it cannot even be described on a public post.  Too many people involved.  It was enough that mom was in full blown Lewy Body Dementia symptoms and she only slept an hour a night.  The other hours were all about her trying to escape the...

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Hello, Wall

Hello, Wall

Today I hit the wall.  My exhaustion was prohibitive to almost living.  Oh dear Father in heaven, what can I do?  A different situation with mom doesn't guarantee change.  It doesn't guarantee my health will be in a place where I can meet the demands of life.  Only...

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It’s a Climb

It’s a Climb

This weekend I went away for a weekend without mom which was the first time in several years.  I had hoped to get some rest as mom has been in a semi-stable enough state for me to leave her with her husband.  I'm not sure the weekend was restful as it really became...

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They are Still a Parent

They are Still a Parent

As a child the affirmation of your parent meant something.  So did the words that wounded.  And you would think when you grew into adulthood that somehow it changes.  It doesn't.  Even when you're much older and so are your family members.  Their words and actions...

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Back in the Saddle

Back in the Saddle

This vacation was as desperately needed as the one before, even if it was just a week.  It felt more like vacation and less like care giving, although there was a lot of that.  I'm better thankfully although not fully rested or ready to be back.  Honestly there are a...

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Going Forth

Going Forth

Off we go again.  After about a week home I realized I still am not in a good place with fatigue and the stuff here.  I looked at our free hotel stays and see we have some more built up (Get Free Hotel Stays with the IHG Credit Card).  This time we're going straight. ...

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Lantern Fest

Lantern Fest

I had hoped to write about our vacation experiences and such but alas, the life of a caregiver doesn't always translate into the emotional energy necessary to do all that one desires.  Soon after we got back though we went to a lantern festival.  Prior to our vacation...

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The Swallow has found a Nest for Herself – Ps 84:3

The Swallow has found a Nest for Herself – Ps 84:3

For as many years as I can remember we've had one swallow nest that gets populated every single year.  It's been a point of discussion as to which descendant gets the right of claiming the nest.  But  for over 30 years there has been someone hatching eggs right in our...

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Fatigue and Demands

Fatigue and Demands

Today mom wanted to work in the garden and I wanted nothing more than to practice the Sabbath rest.  I overdid it yesterday.  But she REALLY wanted to be in the garden.  So with heavy eyes I drug myself out and we planted.  After awhile I burst into tears and we...

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Site has Been Hacked

If you see weird posts they're not from me.  My site has been hacked.  Not sure how to unhack it and not sure if I have the energy to learn either.  Sorry.  But will continue to post anyway.

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Just Want to be with Mom

Just Want to be with Mom

I've been scrambling a lot lately, trying to figure out internet business.  Any business that will earn an income so I can stay at home.  So far I've come up terribly empty.  But have enjoyed the vast amount of things I've learned. At the same time in my busy of...

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Wrestling with Fear

Wrestling with Fear

Bad storms ripped through the other night.  It's a dreaded time.  How can you get mom to the basement when she is non weight bearing?  And then there's the issue of panic.  There's one emotion she can't handle and that's fear. Seeing the storm rolling in, we put her...

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The Wretching McDonald’s

The Wretching McDonald’s

We were at the fitness center, parked in the lot and mom was sleeping. "Mom, you want to go to the next state over?" "Ok." Back to sleep she went.  And down the road I went. Several hours later we arrived and naturally mom needed to use the bathroom.  She really likes...

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The Purse Thing

The Purse Thing

If you've been a caregiver for an elderly person, especially with dementia, then when I say "The Purse Thing" or the "The Wallet Thing" you know exactly what I mean.  You can't go anywhere or do anything without getting asked dozens of times, "Where's my Purse?"...

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Lost Control of the Wheel

Lost Control of the Wheel

Today was not a stellar day in the thinking world.  I was mildly frustrated with some things and I was reminded of previous frustrating times.  Big no no.  If you let yourself go down the road of  recalling hardship you will lose your compassion and patience.  It...

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Dealing with Unacceptable Decline

Dealing with Unacceptable Decline

Decline is acceptable for many people, but I choose not to accept it.  There is a stage, end stage, where it is understandable.  But not now.  Not when the body is working, it's just the brain isn't. This week we've been dealing with that unacceptable decline--more...

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YES - The book below is the one I wrote.  It's a "just the facts you need to know."  No stories, charts, or antyhing. I wrote it because as a caregiver, I was too tired to wade through heavy science and theory that other books offered. I just wanted the essentials in short chapters. It's the book I would have wanted. If that's what you need also, then here it is:


Medical Disclaimer

The Material in this website is not in any way meant to be medical advice. ASK YOUR DOCTOR for any, all and every medical situation and need.


In order to be able to display images I have needed to become an Amazon Affiliate. What this means is that when you purchase through this site, I receive a small commission. 100% of anything I will give to my loved one. I want her to get back what was taken from her through illness.